martes, 23 de enero de 2018

My point about A Kitty Bobo Show and Chloe and the Stars (And more)

Ok, this is a personal opinion about the pilot episode called A Kitty Bobo Show I discovered in 2016, created by Meaghann Dunn and Kevin Kaliher. The animation is great, I like it, The protagonist Kitty Bobo is cool, something distracted but it's cool, this cat guy tried to be a cool guy with his friends and ended up badly for him, broking his cellphone and then all his friends were talking with their phones. The credits of the episode it's beautiful, I mean, the music (This is very short, I Know). Sadly, this didn't get a tv show; but years later, one of the two creators, Meaghan Dunn made a Kickstarter with a new project called "Chloe and the stars" sadly, this project ended up like A Kitty Bobo Show, I mean, she cannot reach her goal in Kickstarter, and now she is enjoying her life.

But wait, there's more.
A Kitty Bobo Show is not dead yet.

The another creator of this Pilot, Kevin Kaliher, were talking about the series in his blog, talking about things like when the pilot didn't get a tv show in that year (2001) they tried to go for Disney, but nothing. Time later he rewrite the project; Kitty Bobo was a 20 year old guy; and now he's a 12 year old kid, and other stuff. some months ago he created a website about the project (it is not finished) you can see it here

Well, since I'm talking about A Kitty Bobo Show, I wanna say I was Working in a Fan-Episode (I'm still making it).
It's the sequel of the pilot episode, the fan-episode it's about Kitty Bobo trying to buy a new cellphone but he have no money, so he try to talk with one of his friends trying to get a Job to get the money and buy a new cellphone.

I think that is all.

Sorry for my bad english, the english it is not my maternal lenguage, I'm still learning.

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